The 24 Online Store Network

Earn a regular monthly additional income without much time or financial effort!

Earn your monthly additional income the easy way!

A small investment, a little time, no risk at all, but a good income!

This is how it works:

For a minimal monthly fee, you get your own state-of-the-art webshop at your exclusive disposal.

You have no additional costs! We carry all costs, such as server, domain, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, and advertising. So your success is guaranteed!

All commissions for your sales will be transferred DIRECTLY and without any detours to your private bank account!

All you have to do is to fill your store with texts on a fairly regular basis, a small time commitment of about 4 to 6 hours a week!

You do not bear any risk!

Click here and check our guarantee!

You will receive a catchy TOP-KEYWORD domain from our outstanding domain portfolio for contractually guaranteed, time-unlimited use!

You will receive from us our expert knowledge in search engine optimization (SEO) of your webshop, and we will help you with words and deeds in implementing the SEO tools on your store website!

You become a partner of our search engine marketing strategy with your SEO-boosted store website, in the context of which we regularly place free advertising for your store website!

You get the hosting of your complete webshop from us, which is already included in the monthly rental price of the store and its top keyword domain – NO hidden costs!

You have no financial risk because you can cancel the store monthly after the first quarter!


Total Shops in our network!


Average product sales per week!


Average visitors per day!


Average new customers per week!

DigiMarket Features

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We are Open Source

Lorem ipsum dummy text in print and website industry are usually use in these section

Feature-Rich Free & Pro Plugins

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Problem Solvers

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Regular Updates & Bug fixes

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Highly-Rated Support

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Extensions to step-up your game

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Pricing Plan

Anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined necessary.

$ 29/m

  • Top-Domain
  • (Your corporate identity, your colors, your logo!)
  • Free Hosting!
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • 100+ constant product listings on Google guaranteed!
  • 100+ constant edu "do follow" backlinks!
  • Earnings from: Commissions from selling affiliate products
Purchase Now

$ 49/m

  • Top-Domain
  • (Your corporate identity, your colors, your logo!)
  • Free Hosting!
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • 300+ constant product listings on Google guaranteed!
  • 300+ constant edu "do follow" backlinks!
  • Earnings from: Commissions from selling affiliate products
Purchase Now

$ 69/m

  • Top-Domain
  • CUSTOM SHOP with shop software
  • (Your corporate identity, your colors, your logo!)
  • Free Hosting!
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • 500+ constant product listings on Google guaranteed!
  • 500+ constant edu "do follow" backlinks!
  • Earnings from: Selling your own product range
  • Plus one-time setup fee, price on request
Purchase Now